Sunday, January 21, 2018

What is that song??

(the soundtrack of your life)

how many of you remember the song that was playing
when you first met your husband
or your best friend

what song was playing when you brought your first born
home for the very first time?

it's the soundtrack of your life!

(Makers Home fabrics by Windham Fabrics)

as a quilter, we can say the same for fabric
we can go to our stash, and look at a fabric
and remember who we were with and where we were when we bought it

(Hand Maker fabrics by Windham Fabrics)

fabric is like a song
it's the "soundtrack of our life" as a quilter
you remember when you started a quilt, when you finished it
how long it took
why you left it sit, and for how long
before you finished it

and sometimes just a leftover scrap will bring the whole story back to you

let's try something....let's see how much heart you put into your projects
how much of you was stitched into your very first quilt
leave a message below
and tell us about the first quilt you ever made
when it was made
and what music you were listening to when you made it

(Stitch's heart....worn on his "sleeve")



Gayle Bennett said...

Not my first quilt, but my first significant quilt was made from fabrics I bought at the Beyond the Reef booth at Road to California in maybe 2006? Or 2007? Ish? It was also the first batch of fat quarters I ever bought. I was so excited to be a 'real' quilter who knew how to use fat quarters. And, I totally botched the yardage for the backing and frantically emailed you. You graciously sold me more, and shipped it to me as I was mailing a check your direction! (pre-Paypal days, how did we survive?) The quilt is the most basic of patterns, but I had learned how to add borders and the tropical fabrics brought it to life. It's my son's quilt, a large lap size, that currently lives with him and his family in Harare, Zimbabwe. I couldn't play music while I sewed back then, it took all of my concentration, but Jason and I are both Jimmy Buffet fans and this is a pretty Jimmy Buffet kind of themed quilt.
When I run across those few remaining scraps, a number of tropical quilts later, it triggers all the memories of what was a huge step in my quilting journey.

natalie. beyond the reef said...

Gayle -
What a lovely note - thank you! I can't believe your quilt (and your son) is so far away! But I'm glad you have scraps to remind you that he is always as close as your heart.
Thanks for sharing your story!