Makers Collage - coming in December from Windham Fabrics!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Little Wonders aka Long Beach Quilt Festival Classs

There are little wonders all around us.

But we are so sucked into all of the 'noise' around us, we don't seem to look up to experience them.  Or if we have somewhere in our lives experienced them, we can't recall them.  We can't bring them back into the forefront of our  memories to savor them over and over again.

I drove today from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to Denver, Colorado.  There is a point in that drive, as you crest the summit of Raton Pass - if you look to the left - you are greeted by two large snow capped peaks rising above the golden plains.  And to the left of those, a large range of mountains creates a horizontal slash across the skies.  The skies dotted with bright white clouds on a clear blue sky.  Not your average Los Angeles CA view.  But for the life of me, I could not get a good picture of it all.  Camera phone.  Digital camera.  Nope.  No pic.  So I said, "I'll just have to carry it with me in my memory."  No hard drive but my own brain.  Now there's a thought.

So I have been on a quest to create these 'little wonders' - these moments that we can only capture in our hearts - with fabric and thread.

Reach into your memory and find a time, a place, a feeling that has touched you.  And capture it with your own creative talents.  And if you're having a hard time doing that, please join me for a class in this technique - coming to you soon at Luella's Quilt Basket, In Stitches, or another quilt shop or quilt show venue coming to a town near you.

Thanks for thinking of 
b e y o n d   t h e   r e e f


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