Happiest Father's Day.
You know, this blog is mostly about inspiration.
And the facebook fan page is mostly about quilt projects.
Leave a comment on this blog post about one great trait
or lesson
that your father passed on to you
and be entered in our very first
g i v e a w a y
Alexander Henry Fabrics
Paris Park
one yard
ps - okay, the rules.
random number generator will be applied
giveaway drawing will occur on July 1
you have the month of june
to come up with just one great thing
one 'takeaway'
oh, okay, you can leave more than one post
I know, I know
the fabric's not very Hawaiian
(not THIS time)
What a fun giveaway. Beautiful fabric too. I look forward to coming back and reading everyone's comments!
Hymm. Trait my Father gave me? I picked up several, but in all honesty I think it is his love of the sea that I most appreciate. Whether I'm swimming, fishing, watching a sunrise or sunset over the ocean, I enjoy it very much. And it often brings back fond memories of my Father and I boating together, when I was a child.
Very sweet! Thanks for having this cool giveaway! Please count me in!
Me and my dad have the same nose but thats all I think.
Great giveaway. The best trait that my father gave me which he got from his father is - to always help others in need no matter the situation do what you can to help.
What adorable fabric!
The best thing my dad has taught me through word and actions is this: "Sometimes it is better to be nice than it is to be right". It's so true, and I'm so grateful to my wonderful dad and all the lessons he has taught me.
My dad taught me the value of hard work, and to treat everyone with respect. :)
My father taught me to never be afraid of hard work - he goes and goes and goes!
thedealscoop @ yahoo . com
My Father and I shared many traits because he taught me. Here are some of the good ones. Work hard. Persevere. Be honest. Keep your word. Nothing is accomplished without thoughtful risk taking. Treat your elders with respect. If someone is visiting during meal time, set a plate for them without asking. No one is better than another person. Don't be afraid of getting dirty when working. Please enter me into your giveaway.
My dad taught me that there is no perfect Mr. Right. There are lots that are close to 100% perfect, but ever person has some flaws. This was really important when I was searching for Mr Right and kept finding Mr Wrong.
I am an avid reader because my dad gave me a love for reading.
My dad gave me the love of reading.
Good work ethic! My father worked two jobs, and didn't go to bed till the work was done.
I look almost exactly like my dad, when I was little it would bug me when people said it because he had a fuzzy head and face.
My father forced all of the girls to change the tires and the oil in our cars. Oh, and use power tools. I so rock with electrical!! My three favorite words are SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED. Crazy, huh?
thanks for the giveaway & 3 cheers for rockin' dads everywhere!
He is always a good listener.
What a cute print. I appreciate that my father taught me to be on time.
this is a great giveaway...this fabric is awesome
My dad taught me to work hard and pay your bills !! common sense !!! the fabric is really neat !!!!
My Dad always says "it's only money" which is a kind of way of saying don't cry over spilt milk when something happens that can be fixed with money!
My dad always taught me to never give up...always persevere. That is one trait that has stuck with me through the years...
Ooh and he taught me to appreciate everything around me. That's a big one.
Very cute fabric.
Self-reliance because the only one you can truly count on is yourself.
My dad has taught me about having a good work ethic. Great giveaway!
My dad always pushed us to reach our full potential, and always appreciated me, no matter how nerdy I was (especially because I was nerdy!).
My father taught me patience, he was a very mellow soul :-)
From my father I learned to be fair with everyone else and love my family unconditionally.
Cool fabric by an awesome designer! My dad taught me to look ahead...not at the car directly in front of you but the car in front of that..and one man's floor is another man's ceiling. Thank u!
I think the greatest thing he taught me was self-reliance.
Cool give-away! My dad taught me to work hard and play hard!
Great giveaway!
My grandfather (who raised me) taught me many, many things, but, most of all, joy. In life, cooking, eating, laughing, sitting a spell. Joy.
I hope to teach a little of that myself.
My dad was a stickler are being precise-watches synchronized, checkbook balanced to the penny. In that, I learned it was OK to be a tad off, but try to be close!
Love that fabric!
My father was always reading something, books, the newspaper, anything.
I love to read and passed that down to my own children as well... My son even bought himself a kindle :)
My father helped me learn compassion for those with differences. He suffered with mental illness, and I think it helped prepare me for having two sons who are different because they have autism,
i learned to value education and not get attached to "things". i really admire my father!
When my father arrives "on time" for something, he's always 10 or 15 minutes early. I do the same thing... and I can't stand people who always run late!
My dad taught me that a free throw is all between your ears. Just be steady, take your time and keep your eye on the prize. Works for a lot of things in life now that I no longer play basketball! Thanks for a chance.
My father taught me to do good and avoid evil. No, really! My mother used to put little notes in my lunches but on days when she wasn't available, Dad would fill in. Only instead of using cutesy Boyton paper and writing pithy little messages, he'd scrawl "do good, avoid evil" on the back of a business card and slip it into my lunchbag. Fortunately, he also taught me to have a very good sense of humor. :D
I think the most valuable trait my dad passed on to me was a desire to create, and the motivation to be creative and develop my talent. He's the one that bought me my first sewing machine when I was 9 years old for my birthday, and he taught me how to use it.
My dad's a very gifted artist, and was always creating something when I was growing up. He's used fabric, wood, stone, beads, leather.. the list goes on and on!
My dad reads all the time and I think he instilled the love of reading in me too.
thanks for the chance a great giveaway.
my father was blinded in a car accident with a drunk driver. He could have received a disability check the rest of his life and stayed home, but instead he founded a non profit to serve the needs of other blind individuals. I hope what I've learned from him is to take whatever hand you've been dealt and use it as best you can to serve others.
jill.stemple (at) gmail.com
My father taught me the saying, "Kill them with kindess."
No matter how they treat you, always be kind.
blessed.mama4 at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway! Love the fabric!
My dad taught me to work hard for my family - he raised 5 kids on one income because my mom was a SAHM.
I have never actually met my Father but I know that I have the same color eyes as he did. Love that fabric, it's super cute!!!
From my father I inherited:
A love for learning, reading, and writing.
The ability to talk with anyone in any situation.
My five brothers and sisters.
People always say I look very much like my dad. My grandma used to tell me that from the instant I was born, it was beyond obvious whose daughter I was. When we go out together, strangers would sometimes randomly comment on how much alike we are. Thanks for the giveaway!
My dad passed on his love for the Discovery Channel! And his (literally) big head. I appreciate the first and am resigned to the second. :) Thanks for the great giveaway!
My father was a great golfer with a very strange but effective swing. I inherited the swing but not the effectiveness of it.
Mine would have to be the LOVE of being in the yard -fingers covered with dirt - seeds in - plants sprout - gently taking care of each plant - - gardening - water - mowing - weeding - sharing the bounty - the smells - sitting back and enjoying the view
my dad always treat people with respect even if they don't do the same. he encourages me to be patient.
the fabric is so adorable :D
My dad taught me to value of maintaining a sense of humor through difficult times.
My dad taught me self-reliance.
Hmmm.... my Dad always helped others. I learned that from him. (and that other people's needs are sometimes more important than your own)
I can't stop at just one. My Dad taught me that you can fix most things yourself, it just take a little know how and some elbow grease.
(Thanks Dad!)
My father taught me to make people feel welcome in your home. He always wanted visitors to look forward to coming to our house.
Lynn D in NC
My Dad continues to remind me that our vocabulary should not contain the words: should've, could've, would've, and can't. Nor should our "inner dialogs" contain those words. Thanks you for this generous giveaway :)
Its so hard to choose just one thing my dad taught me-- both directly and inadvertently... Overall, he taught me to always do my best, and to smile even when things aren't going so well.
My dad gave me and my brother sensitivity. We find it hard to live with sometimes, it's something we need to learn to work with, but I wouldn't be myself and I wouldn't be his child without it.
Thank you for the lovely givaway. My dad taught me the love of reading and singing. I have passed that on to my children now.
My father gave me his sense of humor, He could always find something to laugh about.
love the fabric! my dad passed on his love of nature(especially birding) to me, and is currently inspiring our four year old as well! our son now carries around his bird book and binoculars, and has a feather collection.
The best thing my father taught me is to always tell the truth no matter what.
Thanks a lot for this lovely giveaway!
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
I discovered later in life that my OCD tendencies came from my Dad, where all along I thought it was Mom! Right down to planting a row of juniper shrubs along the front of my yard and measuring the distance between each plant to make sure they were evenly, and uniformly, spaced. (apparentely not everyone does this so carefully!) And if you didn't happen to take the tape measure with you it was fine to use a rake handle or something to mark it off. Although he probably didn't teach me on purpose, I did learn from him that there is more to life than your work and his rather poor example of not giving his family as much attention as his job helped me be a different parent.
Ah, not all memories are fond are they?!
But as my kids and I say "let's put the FUN back in Dysfunction!"
My dad was a wonderful man. I can honestly say he and my mother never had a fight. He loved her so much that he would do anything he could to help her. They worked together for over 40 years in the family business. He taught me what unconditional love really is. This is the first Father's Day he is not with me and I miss him so much.
Great giveaway.
My father was killed while my mother was pregnant with me. In fact, she didn't even know she was pregnant at the time. Traits he gave me? None that I know of, not even physical as I look exactly like my mother.
Thanks for the giveaway! My father gave me many gifts but I think the best and most fun characteristic we share is that we are both super nosy :) I always have to know what is going around in the neighborhood and family and I think I learned it from him. It's a blessing and a curse!
My father also taught me about cars and science. He's a mechanic. I would watch him working on a car and he would explain what he was doing, and ask me questions to teach me the hows and whys of how the engine works. Those are times I treasure!
blessed.mama4 at yahoo dot com
Messed up on my last attempt to commment!
My dad taught me a lot growing up-but he really taught me that planning and organization was key to doing a project (which I saw firsthand in his amazing woodworking). I use that strategy now when I quilt (well, and do almost anything else :))
Thanks for sharing some cute fabric!
My Dad taught me to work hard and to improvise. I can jimmy-rig and duct tape with the best of 'um.
~Use cash and avoid debt.
~Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.
~Be self sufficient.
That is what my dad instilled in me.
HE taught me to laugh, sing, enjoy family.
Always to be courteous.
This is such a wonderful giveaway. Not only is the fabric too cute for words, but I had to sit down and think about my dad on a different level. I'd have to say the trait my father gave to me was that of lending a hand. My dad is retired but he still cleans other's gutters, takes them to doctor appts, fixes their computers, takes meals when they are sick, and volunteers with two rotary type clubs. We never lacked for anything we REALLY needed growing up and my dad continues to show us that whether it's your time or making someone a special handmade gift, giving is the most important thing you can "do". Great, now I'm crying!! Off to call my dad..
Dee Pavay
When I was in elementary school, my father lost his job. There was a crisis in the industry where he worked and everybody lost their jobs. He didn't give up. He started his own consulting business and tirelessly worked to make it a success. He's taught me perseverance!
Speaking of that, I must now go persevere through a project that must get done tonight!
Thanks for the chance to enter.
Lovely fabric!
So my take away from my dad? If you can barter for something. He loves to trade items for items. Or items for services. (He would have done well during our pre-money days.) So many people have things sitting around that they do not need and others could get some use out of. My husband does this a lot too.
Thanks for the giveaway!
What an awesome giveaway! My dad is the best human being I know. I wish I could say that I was as good as he was but he inspires me to try to be.
Its a trivial thing but I am not at all fussy about food. My father was the same. He would eat anything that would be put in front of him. My mother always comments on this as she is very particular!!!
My dad was gone before I was old enough to know him..so I can't really comment..
love the fabric and am hoping I am the lucky one.
My Dad...well, let me think. I certainly didn't inherit any physical traits because I was adopted but I think the lesson he taught me, without him even knowing it, I'm sure, was to be forgiving of others. He's been gone since 1987 but I miss him every day :)
My dad taught me to save money to buy something until you can pay for it. He was never in debt because he never bought on credit. In our 30 years of marriage we've never bought something unless we have the cash to pay for it. Hence, no debt. Contentment instead of money worries. Thanks, Dad! It's works.
I think simply put, my dad gave me the trait of love. No matter what I do not have to give I can always give love.....that is what he taught me.
i think it's his storytelling abilities--he's a pastor--and really, the most effective ones are the good storytellers :-) i've caught myself "embellishing" a personal story just to make it more amusing :-) lovely fabric!
love that fabric!
my dad and i were always closer then my mom and i
my dad is one of my best friends
he and i realy see things the same- so thats great!
my love of music
3 things I got from my Dad (just celebrated his 91st birthday!) - love of travel, LOVE of books, and patience. Beautiful fabric!
Susan in NC
My father gave me his work ethic and his sense of humor - bring on the Jerry Lewis and Peter Sellers! :)
My Dad passed away five months ago at age ninety and he left me my faith.
The thing I got from my dad is the ability to be able to fix almost anything that is broken. It's so fun! And it I can't figure it out easily I don't let it keep me from trying. Broken copy machines, lamps, uh okay so many stuff ;)
Love the fabric. My dad taught me to be a hard worker, mind my own business and a love for watermelon.
One of many traits I got from my father is always helping people when they need it. I can also put together just about anything and know how to use tools thanks to him. ;)
thetottery at gmail dot com
hmmm ... so many great things that my dad passed down. I think the one that comes to mind first is being respectful (always - even when you don't want to). Thanks for the chance : )
My father gave me the gift of humor. We love to laugh.
I have the same big laugh as my dad, it's great sometimes, but others it's too much :)
I definitely got my father's trait of needing lots of alone/quiet time.
My dad was very creative and built every house we lived in. I would follow him around just watching him. To this day I love all tools and enjoy woodworking projects. I can fix almost anything - thanks to my dad.
My dad taught me to get my hands dirty and a little hard work goes a long way. Also that you should always help people when you can because it is right.
The one that seems to come to my heart the most...to always look at things from the other persons perspective...to step into their shoes.
I got my looks from my daddy!! I love it because people always tell me how much I look like my daddy...and I'll take it! My daddy is my favorite pal...and I'll always be daddy's girl :)
I think the greatest thing my daddy taught me was to take time to talk to the people you meet during your day.....also to read everything you can.
My Dad was a stickler for integrity. When he saw us being honest or some trait that emphasized integrity he praised us up and down! It wasn't hard to give back the $100 bill I found by the cash register, or if I was given more change than expected.
This is the cutest fabric and I would love to win it. I've loved reading all the wonderful things our fathers have taught us, from an honorable generation. My dad taught be to save till until it hurts(unfortunately it hard these days), a penny saved is a penny earned and he passed on his love of reading to me which opened up a wonderful world to me.
What adorable fabric! Hmmm...I'd have to say my father was never bored...he always had something to do or create. He was an awesome carpenter...naturally. I am never bored either...I always have something I can create. Thanks for this fun giveaway!
I learned to can (fruits/veggies) from my dad. He taught me while I was young and ever since then I have always canned. My husband frequently tastes something new and always asks as I begin a new canning project, "is it worth it"? and after he tastes it, he always says "it was so worth it".
That it's not the taking part that counts but the winning...but if you don't win just pretend it's the taking part that counts ;-)
What terrific fabric!
I had a great dad who taught me many life lessons. But I think the thing that stands out most to me is seeing the deep commitment he had to my mother. Now that I've been married for 35 years I really value being taught to stick with someone through good times and bad.
My dad and I both have the ability to watch a movie we love over and over and over. I saw Blazing Saddles with him way too young...
What a very great giveaway! Well, I did not live with my Dad very long, but I think persistence would be a trait, as he taught me how to ride a bike. We just kept at it until he let go and I was riding on my own.
I have to giggle to myself because not everyone views it as a good trait, but my dad passed the "gift of gab" on to me. Everywhere he goes, he knows someone and/or a story and you have to drag him away. I, too, am graced with this ability :0)
Great idea for a giveaway. The greatest trait my father gave me is a love of quietness and stillness.
Cute fabric! Thanks for having a giveaway. My Dad taught me the value of working hard. As a kid, I wasn't too excited about it. But as an adult, I am most grateful. :)
My Father taught me silliness is a virtue and a backrub can cure almost anything.
The very best thing my Daddy taught me was that I CAN do anything I put my mind to..... hahahaa....and he was right!
Fun giveaway! My father coached all of the teams I was on as a kid and taught me "love of the game". Thanks to him, I can teach my daughter (and sons) all about various sports and enjoy playing those sports with them.
I'm lusting after this fun fabric...I teach kindergarten and wouldn't this fabric and some linen whip up into lovely little tote bags for my new little friends in Sept?
My dad has a head of thick, shiny silver hair...my hair went silver when I was only 25! It didn't happen to my 5 other sisters; just me!
I am fortunate that I learned kindness from both of my parents. I have been blessed with many friends because of this trait. I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Thanks for the giveaway!
the biggest lesson I learned from my father is about caring for members of our family when they are ill. there's nothing in the world that shakes my dad more, and then I realised i'm like that too. so i got this "nurse in me" from him.
my father is very traditional and he never wanted to know about boyfriends, make up, sleep overs, disco nights... etc etc etc even my nails couldn't be painted the colour i wanted!
my favourite moment with him was some years ago when for the first time he decided to confront me about this "friends" that i kept talking about and who had been to our home several times. he came to me and asked point blank: "he is not really just a friend, is he? you two talk with each other without needing words, just by looking at each other. that's not very "boy friend", that's "boyfriend"!"
now i'm married to that "just friend who happens to be a boy" and my father loves him like a son :)
My father was a great peacemaker. Whenever there was discord among friends/neighbors, he was there to create a solution. Kathie L in Allentown
What wonderful fabric! A trait my Dad gave me? He was a salesman, so knew everyone...never went anywhere that we didn't run into someone he knew. So, the gift of gab is definitely something I got from him. But, along with the gift of gab, he taught me to stand up for what I believe in...even when it meant arguing my point with him. He is no longer with us and I still miss him so. That's for the opportunity!
Trait my dad gave me: the ability to treat everyone no matter who they are or where they come from as my equal. He would always tell me as a kid " on the inside everyone's blood is always the same color - we are all just people"
Trait my dad gave me: The ability to treat everyone no matter who they are or where they come from as my equal. He would always tell me as a kid" on the inside everyones blood is always the same color - we are all just people"! That is something i carry with me everywhere i go and can always have with me. The ability to just love ALL people!
It's just about that time...but before the random number generator selects a winner, I want to say thank you to each and every one of you for sharing just a little part of you, and your family with all of us.
Your comments were enlightening...some made me smile, some made me cry...but tomorrow, a winner for one yard of very cute fabric!
I lost my dad just 6 years ago at the age of 56, and it was a very rough time for me I hadn't even had him for my 30th bday that coming summer. Most important thing my dad taught me was to go after what I wanted and to be strong...so 3 years ago...on father's day...I ran a half marathon in his honour. Since then I have been blessed with 2 little boys, my newest just 8 wks old, and everyday I look at them, and see all my dad's wonderful characteristics and funny little quirks, alive once again. Life is good, and he is always in my heart!
What beautiful fabric. Such a fun one too.
The one thing my father passed on to me was to always be honest. He said YOU are the only one that can shape your future and your own character. The most important thing for anyone is their character and being honest will help to shape that the most.
My dad told me that if I'm going to stand on a chair, the back of the chair goes in front of me, not behind me. One only has to fall backwards off of a chair to learn the importance of this lesson. Thanks for offering this contest!
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