Monday, November 15, 2010

Giveaway Winner!

We have a winner!

Aleisha said...

I love the fabric! I made a quilt for my grandmother for her birthday and I have a 2nd one for her in the works - in my mind. (It hasn't made it to paper or fabric yet:) Thanks for the great giveaway!

And now, personal note from me.
I appreciate all of you - and I do mean all of you - checking in from time to time
to read the blog

I know when I look at the map, that people from around the world
stop in to visit.
I thank each and every one of you.
I will on occasion ask you to become a follower, or to jump in as a fan on facebook.
Simply put, this gives me 'street cred' with my industry
so that I can continue to preview fabrics, books and other quilting items
and send them on to you as giveaway items.

Won't you 'tell a friend'?
Won't you 'reach out and touch someone?'
Won't you become a follower, if you aren't already?

And last but not least, since it is after all YOUR blog,
please leave me a note and let me know
what type of content you most enjoy
when you come
to visit.

Look for tomorrow's post.
A Fabulous Author Interview and Book Giveaway.
Kim Diehl
Simple Graces

Thank you Martingale & Company




Aleisha said...

I can't believe I won!!!! Thank you sooooo much!

Marcia W. said...

I follow your blog and do like the giveaway drawings. However, I started reading your blog because enjoy the single quilting photos for inspiration. Blogs that load quickly are helpful because use dialup. I also like the book interviews - Martingale is one of my favorite publishers. Thanks for all that you do.

Dana Gaffney said...

Well, right back at you. I've been a follower for a while and I really enjoy your blog. Pictures, book and I still have tears in my eyes from the Hula post. Just keep it up and the followers will...uh follow.