Tuesday, November 8, 2011

...and you thought it was only "a cat's life"...

It's true.

Dogs do it too.  It's not just cats.

Buddy NEVER hangs out in this part of the house.
there is a quilt or project in the space
I can just hear him saying,
"not another quilt..."
"me, me, me!"
"play with me, not fabric"
"hey, will you look at that, there's a perfectly good 
right here!"

I know we talk a lot about balance in our lives.
During the approaching holidays,
let's remember to include our pets
in our balance.
After all, aren't they the ones 
that provide us with
the most unconditional love
and the best opportunity for
a walk
a kiss
a smile
a lower heart rate
a better blood pressure
a little understanding
(it's true!)

Here's to "a perfectly good dog..."


speaking of balance
I have been blog-absent since PIQF
someone at the show
said they would like to see weekly blogs
others said they don't have time for blogs
but would rather see more facebook posts
please - leave me a message
and let me know

and let me know
how you think I might attract more 



MoeWest said...

I read blogs. I have FB, but you can post more information and pictures on a blog.

Deb said...

Oh love those photos. Priceless.

I prefer blogs to facebook.

Lindsey F. said...

I prefer the blog posts. Things tend to get lost on Facebook if you are not constantly monitoring it.

Dana Gaffney said...

I like blogs much better. I do check into FB once or twice a day for about 5 minutes, it's good for a sentence or two.

jackiero said...

Hiya :)
I love your blogs! I've enjoyed reading blogs for years, then went over to FB...reading both. About 2 months ago I found myself realizing FB wasn't making me happy and closed that account. Strictly w/ my favorite blogs again. On how to attract more readers...I've noticed how becoming friends w/ a high volume of readers (Bunny Tales; Honey Rock Dawn; The Painted Quilt) & having a tied-in giveaway has really increased readership......?
:) Jackie in NC