Monday, July 2, 2012

Rejuvenate. Restore. Refresh

I read a blog this morning about a wonderful designer that we all know and love
who was worried because she just wasn't feeling up to it all

and I read a blog about a woman whose friend was killed
by a drunk driver
a life so beautifully lived, so shortly lived

and I read about a family starting a new life in a new place
after having taken a whole lot of energy to pack, drive, move, unpack and make a new home

we all read a lot of blogs about a lot of fabric and projects
and pretty flowers
and new purchases

it's time to remember these beautiful posts are written by beautiful but real people
walking through their real life
bumping into real life situations

so, on that note
let me speak just a little bit more about that very subject
give yourself a break.
it's okay to read a book

it's okay to meander through a farmers market
not to shop, or plan, or put up food
but to merely look at the colors

it's okay to spend the whole day
cutting grass raking leaves digging in the dirt
it's okay if you only go to the nursery
to look at the pretty plants

have a hotdog with the lifeguard

find a friend that has a dog 
and offer to walk the dog one morning

stop for just a moment of silence
(call it a prayer, a meditation, whatever you like)
and send a person so much light and love that it makes you cry

lay in the grass and stare at the clouds
take a nap
I promise you will wake up
and ready to go again with a flood of new ideas

and when it comes to your blog friends out there
who just aren't sure what it was
that life just threw at them

take a moment and leave them a comment here and there
let them know you're really thinking about them and their projects and their journey
give them back some of the energy they give

please remember
these are real people

forgive them for sighing out loud
every once in a while

we all do it
we all need a nap every once in a while

give yourself credit, and take a break here and there
and enjoy the newly restored



Wacky Woman said...


jackiero said...

Hoorah to you Natalie :D Beautifully thoughtout and written.
I just love this post. Thank you for ending my 'not to enjoyable' day on such an unbeat thought :)

Rose Hughes said...

thoughtful reminder that life is happening all around us - thank you Natalie

mascanlon said...

Such an important reflection Natalie. Was having this discussion yesterday with someone I work with. they had gone on a short vacation and done nothing...jno sightseeing, no golf no visiting friends. They slept and ate and walked and read a little and did "nothing". He said it was one of their best vacations ever.
And I most appreciate the time and commitment bloggers take to share their creativity. But a reminder that life is all around us, all the time....thank you.

goecker said...

Great giveaway, such bright colors, my kind of colors!

quiltzyx said...

Lovely post Natalie. After a couple weeks of having something 'extra' to do everyday, I took a me day on Friday & did....nothing! It is something we all should do on occasion - thanks for the reminder!

Unknown said...

Hiya! Beautiful and oh, so true post. Thank you. Maybe I'll see you next week in Long BEach? xo, Carrie B. from Such Designs