Makers Collage - coming in December from Windham Fabrics!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Road to California - the gift of friendship

Road to California is a California Quilt Show.  Quilts are juried in to be exhibited and vendors are juried in to be a 'show shop' during the show.  There are classes and hotel rooms and restaurants, and taxis and airplanes and all the things needed to get this many people into one place for one thing. 


beyond the reef is pleased to be chosen as a vendor for this show.  We are happy.  Playful.  Joyful.  But I am a sole proprietor and you notice I use the word 'we'.

I must take a moment to thank my customers.  Who come and stand in the aisle and smile, looking at my new set and the booth.  Or comment on the new layout.  I must take a moment to thank my suppliers.  Who greet me once or twice a year as a friend, but who make, pack and ship their fabulous things to me in time to bring them to you.  Who make the bamboo batting - who bring us Amy Butler's new fragrance Sola.  Who year after year come up with great ideas for our industry.  

And I must take a moment to thank my friends - Suzanne who leaves her home in Arizona to come be a part of my home for a while.  Lisa, who cuts straight, folds well and is always of good counsel.  Jill, who made this - the largest show in southern california - her first quilt show.  John who drafted for moondoggie & gidget and who loaded bins and boxes.  Patrick who continues to push chain.  Jeff for my little red wagon, for the painting, and for the loading.  Greg, for his incredible talent, and for sharing it with me.  I am the sum of all of their parts, and I thank them for that.  

Recognize the gift of friendship - of sharing between each other.
And smile.

With our friends, we truly can be. do. create.

Thanks for thinking of 
b e y o n d   t h e   r e e f


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