Monday, March 21, 2011

To really know a person...

We blog.
We talk.
We spend time reading about it.
How do you really know a person?
Other than a handful of people that read this that really know me, 
how do you know me?
You take it on faith, a feeling, a notion
that I'm okay.
That we have things in common.
That it's worth the time you spend.
Well, let me just say,
I appreciate your faith in the fact that it's worth it.

Because, after all.
Isn't that what life is for.

Showing up.
Deciding that it's worth it.


the inspiration for this post - a blog reader, who emailed me, and said
"I often drop by at your blog to get inspiration
and sometimes some picker up mood"
I don't know from what country she sends her reply
I have readers from across the globe.
but it touched me so deeply, that I thought I should share a bit about me

photos:  natalie barnes/home


Jocelyn said...

And it is so wonderful to have the comments to read from our readers. If not, we would not know them either!

Wacky Woman said...

I agree with your reader Natalie! Wonderful blog!

Jan said...

I've been blogging for awhile, now, and have made some wonderful blog friends. Some I've even managed to meet. One was having a crises, and asked for my phone number. I gave it to her, I didn't hesitate to give it to her.

Anonymous said...

I have been struck with the kindness of the blog writers that I read...and yours is one. I don't blog yet, but I feel like I am part of a community and I like the warmth and friendliness. I hope that sometimes when I leave comments that I help to encourage the writers, since I get so much inspiration from all of them. Thanks for sharing with me, and others, too.
Jacque in SC

Eileen Wintemute said...

I already feel better after reading that!