Makers Collage - coming in December from Windham Fabrics!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A place to lay your head...

hULa has a new place to lay her head these days...

I had a friend come over to help sew samples for the upcoming quilt show - you know, the same show I have been talking about for the last month - the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach, California.  It is the same organizer as the Houston Quilt Show.  It's at the Long Beach Convention Center in downtown Long Beach - Queen Mary, Pine Street, Aquarium of the Pacific, all that...

Where was I?  Oh, yes.  Sewing with Barb.

Well, hULa has a new "auntie barb"!!  
But wait.  
When Barb left, I left the sewing machine on the dining room table, and guess what?

hULa has a new place to lay her head.
She loves the base - a place to lay her head!!
Sorry, Barb.  I thot it was you, well, it probably was you, but now that you're gone, and she's left with me folding, pricing, sewing, ironing, packaging, writing, blogging, twittering, (I can't stand the term tweeting - I'd rather be twitter-pated than tweeted), planting, cleaning, copying, updating, shopping, applique-ing, did I say piece-ing already?  Organizing, bundling, packing...
Well, you get the picture.

hULa is tired out with all of this preparation.
She needs a place to lay her head.

I hope you'll find a place to lay your head.
I think dogs (or cats, or birds, or any animal) can teach us a thing or two about quilting.
And your stitches will be more even.
Your needle will be easier to thread.
You might even wind some extra bobbins before you start sewing again.
You'll go right to the place in your stash where that one fabric you needed is hiding.
You'll find just the right way to get it right after a little rest, I promise.
You'll see it from a different point of view.
And that's okay.

My mother used to go in to the guest room, lay on her back, fold her hands n her lap, and close her eyes.
She would pat the place on the bed next to her and say, "Come lay down, just for 15 minutes...".
Take just a moment.
Clear your head.

hULa's right.  Take it from a quilting dog.
find a place to lay your head
just for 15 minutes
there will be time enough to play frisbee on the beach, or to just take another 20 minutes for a walk
but that's another story for another day...

sparkle + shine

Thanks for thinking of 
b e y o n d   t h e   r e e f


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